Internal regulations and school project
Internal regulations
The internal regulations are voted on each year during the first school council meeting which takes place at the beginning of November. Changes may be made to them before the vote.
All members of the community agree to respect it.
School project
The school project defines the school's orientations and priority objectives and is translated into an action program. It allows the diverse practices of all teachers to converge towards common objectives.
The project is considered by the teaching team and is adopted by the school council for a period of between 3 and 5 years.
A new project is being developed for the years 2025-2027.
It is organized around three priority axes:
- School climate, a lever for success
- Consistency of pathways from kindergarten to high school
- Being an eco-school
The two axes of the 2021-2024 school project were:
- Language proficiency and multilingual background
- Developing the school's attractiveness