Presentation: a French school
Our French school follows the organization of schools in France.
The official national programs, defined by the French Ministry of Education and licensed by the Montenegrin Ministry of Education, are followed by all classes from the first year of nursery school (reception at 2 ½ or 3 years old) to the final year (18 years old).
The caring educational approach aims to provide support that allows each child to develop their skills to the maximum. The humanist values of equality, secularism, inclusion, openness and development of critical thinking are respected.
The courses are designed by cycle, lasting three years, divided as follows:
- Cycle 1: Kindergarten classes: PS, MS and GS
- Cycle 2: CP, CE1 and CE2 classes
- Cycle 3: CM1, CM2 and 6th grade classes
- Cycle 4: 5th, 4th and 3rd grades
- High school: second, first and final years
An approved French school: a guarantee of quality
Approval is an accreditation, unique in the world, managed by a State.
Approval guarantees students and their families quality teaching and living together as well as a quality education.
It allows the pursuit of studies in France and abroad and the award of French diplomas, on the same level as schooling carried out in an establishment in France, and promotes mobility in the French education network abroad and on French territory.
Recognition of quality, this approval also allows establishments to benefit from privileged access to support and training services.
Approval criteria common to schools in the AEFE network:
- Principles, programs and values of the French education system
- Place and mastery of the French language
- Multilingual language policy
- Qualified and regularly trained personnel
- Assessments, preparation and taking of French exams
- Existence of premises and equipment adapted to educational requirements