Living and building together, a school for today and for tomorrow.

We encourage our students to integrate environmental issues into their daily lives. We carry out projects related to the environment, its knowledge, its diversity, its protection. We participate in local or international events. 

Our commitment to the Eco-School and EFE3D approaches is a central element of our educational project. 

The Eco-School / Eco Schools label

 Our establishment will apply in 2025 for the EFE3D and eco-scool labels.


The Eco-school label encourages establishments to integrate sustainable development into all their dimensions: teaching, resource management and school life. 

It is an international program of the “Foundation for Environmental Education” that aims to “empower students to be the change our sustainable world needs by engaging them in fun, action-oriented and socially responsible learning.”  For example, we work on waste reduction, the implementation of recycling projects, the circular economy, and the optimization of energy consumption. 

Students actively participate in these initiatives.

The EFE3D label is a label specific to the network of schools in the#AEFE which allows to promote schools engaged in a sustainable development approach. It takes into account, in an articulated way, the educational dimension, with the active participation of the students, the functioning of the establishment (in its material aspects and its human relations), the opening on the local territory and the work carried out with local partners.

By joining the CleanUp Montenegro collective in September 2024, our school is joining a dynamic and committed local collective in the territory of Montenegro. 

With them, we participate in concrete cleaning actions to preserve the environment and raise awareness among our students of the importance of protecting the planet. 

Why is this important?

Because today, education is not limited to academic knowledge, it must also prepare our students to be responsible citizens, aware of current environmental issues. 

Participating in international, national and local initiatives, organizing workshops and events around the environment, its diversity, its richness and its fragility, means giving our students the tools to understand ecological challenges and respond to them with creativity and commitment. 

This commitment contributes to the identity of our school, anchored in the values of solidarity, respect for the environment, and collective action for the common good.
