Degrees and higher education
National Brevet Diploma
In the 3rd grade (last grade of middle school), students take the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB). This is the first exam in French schooling. Students are assessed on the assessment of their skills acquired at the end of middle school and take tests in four subjects: French, Mathematics, History-Geography and Science.
Currently, students take these tests at the French school in Sarajevo.
At the end of high school, students take the baccalaureate. This diploma gives them access to higher education, in France and around the world.
The baccalaureate is completed in two years:
- In the first year of high school, students take French exams, written and oral. The grades obtained during the year count towards continuous assessment.
- In the final year of high school, students take the specialty exams, the Philosophy exam and the Grand Oral. The grades obtained during the year count towards continuous assessment.
In total, continuous assessment counts for 40% of the final mark. The final exams for 60%.
Currently, students are taking their baccalaureate exams in Belgrade.
The baccalaureate is an internationally recognized diploma. It provides access to higher education in France, but also in Montenegro and elsewhere in the world.
Among the students who obtained their baccalaureate in 2023 in AEFE schools:
- 53% study in France, among them, 61% are non-French.
- 17% study in a third country (Canada, then Great Britain, United States and Switzerland)